Frequently Asked Questions
Are there disadvantages or risks to taking part in the study?
There are no risks associated with taking part in this study.
Are there any benefits to taking part in this study?
We will use the information we get from the assessments to tell you how we think your baby is progressing and developing. If it seems to us that your baby needs extra support, we will discuss with you how we can provide it.
How can you find out more about the study and about preterm babies?
At any time you can ask to speak to one of the team working on the study to explain or discuss the study further. Our website contains all of this information and more about premature birth and its later effects on the child, with links to other organisations that provide information about this important area.
Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?
All information that is collected about you and your baby during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential. Neither you nor your baby can be identified through the study results.
What will happen to the results of the research?
The results of this research will be published on the website and in newsletters that we will send to you to explain how the study is progressing. The content will be described to other doctors at scientific meetings and will be published in medical (peer-reviewed) journals. No individual children or families will be identifiable in any of this material.
What happens to the data collected in the study?
All data is stored securely and will not be released to any third party without your explicit permission. Unless you give permission for us to use the records for further research or teaching they are destroyed after the results of the study have been published.
Who can give me further information?
You can contact us by letter, telephone or email at any time and we will be very happy to answer any questions you may have.
Who is organising the research?
The team is made up of internationally renowned experts on the health and development of premature babies. These include: Dr. Hilal Al Rifai (Medical Director, Women’s Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation), Dr. Ghassan Abdoh (Senior Consultant Neonatologist, Hamad Medical Corporation), Prof. Muthanna Samara (Associate Professor in Psychology, Kingston University, London) and Professor Neil Marlow (Professor of Neonatal Medicine, University College, London).
Who is funding this study?
This study is funded by Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) member of Qatar Foundation.